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The Hobo Poet - Book

John J. Mutter, Jr.

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Poetry about all the seasons, blended with life, childhood fantasy, holidays, and nostalgia - that's what this collection offers. Poets write what they see, feel, smell, taste, hear and imagine. Burnette Mutter uses all of these senses and talent to create images that will linger in your mind for years to come. Jump on board and ride with The Hobo Poet.

Paperback is 6 x 9 in. and 96 pages.

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  • 5
    A medley of poems to celebrate the seasons of life

    Posted by Celise on Mar 11th 2021

    I really like the artwork and the poetry weaved together. Can certainly tell a lot of hard work and creativity went into this! I am especially happy to see Easter/Spring themed poems for the season upcoming, as well as Patriotic prose and this is a good book to read to young as well. Good for all ages, sparks creativity and happiness. Uplifting, Thank you!